lørdag den 11. august 2012

Cat stole my blouse - Cat psychology

My cat have had some funny tendencies lately. It started a few days a go when it stole a blanket, dragged it to a corner of the livingroom and did something similar with it, as it is doing to the blouse on the video. The area where it is biting the most is really wet.

I do not know way he is behaving like that, but I am wondering if he pretends it is his girlfriend he is making out with. He is castrated so we will never se a cat/blanket or cat/blouse hybride, although it could be a funny mix - it would propably be kittens with fluffy cotton fur?

Now you have seen my crazy cat in action and it seems I will have many funny moments in the future for inspiration for funny cat psychology cartoons that hopefully could bring a small smile on your face.

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