mandag den 13. august 2012

Stealing blouse Part II - Cat psychology

Funny cartoon about cat psychology stealing my blouse
The story:
As I have previously told, my cat has begun to show some funny cat psychology trades. It started when he stole a blanket of the couch and dragged it to a corner of the livingroom. Then he stole a t-shirt and my blouse several times. Yesterday I only just got it of me, as I was changing cloth to go jogging, before he stole it and he immediatly startet to bite and lick my blouse til it was really wet.

Today, I almost did not get the blouse of before he grabbed it out of my hands and ran away with it. He didn't bite and lick it though, he just ran around with it. Everytime he was about to leave the livingroom he stopped - looked at me, and ran back to me, showing me what he had caugth. - I guess that this time he did not imagine that the blouse was a girlfriend, but some kind of pray instead.

I just hope he will not start to steal my underwear while I still have it on.

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